Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Kashmir Problem Solved

Kashmir Problem Solved
An ingenious example of speech and politics occurred recently in the
United Nations Assembly that made the world community

A representative from India began: 'Before beginning my talk I want to
tell you something about Rishi Kashyap of Kashmir, after whom Kashmir is

"When he struck a rock and it brought forth water, he thought, 'What a
good opportunity to have a bath.'

He removed his clothes, put them aside on the rock and entered the

When he got out and wanted to dress, his clothes had vanished. A
Pakistani had stolen them."

The Pakistani representative jumped up furiously and shouted, 'What are
you talking about? The Pakistanis weren't there then.'

The Indian representative smiled and said, 'And now that we have made
that clear, I will begin my speech.'

And they say Kashmir belongs to

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Is this something really new happening

These days there is lot of chaos, these days there is lot of unrest. These days I find my fellow batch mates expressing grieve concerns over the intensely miserable political scenario of our nation and these days I find the great Indian middle class having bunch of discussions over the integrity and unity of their motherland. Thank God, finally they have thought beyond their age old realm of roti, kapda and makaan (and girls, bollywood and cricket). Credit goes to Raj Thackrey

I have come across many editorials wailing at the lack of young blood in Indian politics and now when their wish has become alive, everyone is crying foul. I was long willing to express my views over this recent crisis in our nation. Is this something new happening? To start with, I don’t think Raj Thackrey puts forth some out and out exceptional propaganda. Indians have a glorious such past since time immemorial. We have always been a victim of some self defined racial superiority. We represent a breed which is intellectually arrogant. NarayanaMurthy quotes from his recent lecture:
Our intellectual arrogance has also not helped our society.
I have traveled extensively, and in my experience, have not come across another society where people are as contemptuous of better societies as we are, with as little progress as we have achieved. Remember that arrogance breeds hypocrisy.
No other society gloats so much about the past as we do, with as little current accomplishment.

Friends, this is not a new phenomenon, but at least a thousand years old. For instance, Al Barouni, the famous Arabic logician and traveler of the 10th century, who spent about 30 years in India from 997 AD to around 1027 AD, referred to this trait of Indians.
According to him, during his visit, most Indian pundits considered it below their dignity
even to hold arguments with him. In fact, on a few occasions when a pundit was willing to listen to him, and found his arguments to be very sound, he invariably asked Barouni:
which Indian pundit taught these smart things!

That perfectly illustrates our great Indian trait of Intellectual arrogance. We have actually made both the ends of the world meet just to prove that the person living beside us hails from lower strata of intelligence and divinity. We don’t have castes only; we have sub castes and sub of that sub caste too, once again to propose some similar agenda.
I don’t find a war where we concentrated only on war, we always had some turncoat, and we always had groups in bulk that regularly dared to join hands with invaders just to get their things straight. Our so called upper caste served a big aid to British rulers in pre independence era without any thought over integrity or unity.

What the foolish middle class is doing here and expressing some idiotic concerns over India divided. Where were they when Kashmiri pundits were thrown out of their own land? Where were they when Hindi speakers were being killed in Assam? Where were they while our lower strata converted just because the arrogant upper caste never accepted them? Was our nation not being fragmented then? India doesn’t want such media driven intellectuals who all of a sudden protested in unison purely because they were being thrown out of their land of dreams – Mumbai. Hindi lovers are regularly being thrown out of their own lands in North East, a vast population has been surreptitiously converted and did we ever bother? There are innumerable pockets known as Mini Dubai where Hindus dare don't go even in this so called secular and free nation. Wasn’t India being divided then? Why are we raising concerns (and protesting) only now over India divided?

What Young blood! Young blood! We keep shouting. Would our new leaders wont follow the policy of appeasement and politics of vote bank? Won’t they divide us over reservations? Would they ever bring the most logical policy of common civil code keeping aside their vote banks and thinking only of united India?

Raj Thackrey intentions are political and he is least concerned with the proposed racial superiority of Marathi, that is quite visible else he definitely would have followed the silent coveted strategy of Christian missionaries. But I only wish to urge my fellow friends to protest but protest in a rational way, look with open eyes around and don’t raise concerns over issues which you found while watching TV. Think in totality and protest in totality. Mother India doesn’t require parasites which work only with visible spectrum
(I suppose I am relatively simpler in language this time and a bit short)